"By 2020, it may not be possible to realise all of our goals, ambitions and aspirations without using a computer or computing in one way or another."This of course would not be true for everyone in the world and I suggest this because, if you don't use a computer, it is unlikely you would be aware of goals which required a computer. However, I am prepared to suggest that this statement generally will be the case as a larger population has access to modern technologies.
My reasoning is made up of two points:
- As people continue to use computers more, we are entering a stage of techno-dependancy which means without computers we would not be able to continue our current lifestyles (of which our goals are framed). Furthermore, as time passes, it is safe to assume this trend will continue and people will become more dependent on computers.
- A goal cannot be something a person is already able to do. As computers become more able to assist us, our goals become harder or more complex. To clarify, I am saying that a goal that can be easily achieved today wouldn't have even be considered 50 years ago (even outside of computers people now aim to travel the world. Planes enabled this, however, without planes such a goal is unlikely to have been set and without planes such a goal is far less achievable.). The same applies to computers and they are changing our goals and aspirations.
As our goals continue to change it is important to remember that they are still linked to fundamental human values such as; to be a part of families, stay connected with friends (make friends), educate our children, care for each other and grow old safely and in comfort.
To link back to the original question: Are our goals, values and aspirations really changing or do they just look different in the context of a world with technology?
In my opinion people still want exactly the same thing they did 50 years ago (referring to the fundamental values) but to get these things they need to keep up with the times hence, changing their game plan. Making new friends is now harder without Facebook (but friends are still a fundamental value), keeping in good health(the definition has probably changed) requires very new technology and preparing our children for the world they will live in certainly requires them to engage with digital media.
If computers are embedded within us, are they then part of that identity?